
Select Publications

Riddle J; Alexander ML; Schiller CE; Rubinow DR; Frohlich F. Reduction in left frontal alpha oscillations by transcranial alternating current stimulation in major depressive disorder is context-dependent in a randomized clinical trial. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. 7(3), 302-311. 2022. [pdf]

Brief summary: Randomized clinical trial delivering alpha-frequency tACS to participants with major depressive disorder. Alpha-tACS reduced left frontal alpha oscillations. Using a task to probe processing of emotional images, alpha-tACS decreased left frontal alpha oscillations to positive imagery. These results suggest that the therapeutic effect of bifrontal alpha-tACS might be through increased processing of positive emotions.

Riddle J; Frohlich F. Targeting neural oscillations with transcranial alternating current stimulation. Brain Research. 147491. 2021. [pdf]

Brief summary: In this review article, we summarize present understanding of neural oscillations and propose techniques to modulate neural oscillations using tACS. Contrary to initial simplistic models, neural oscillations are transient, occurring in bursts, with a non-sinusoidal shape. The customizability of tACS allows for causal testing of many aspects of neural oscillations from their role in functional connectivity, coupling across spatiotemporal scale via cross-frequency coupling, and the role of asymmetrical waveform shapes in chunking information.

Riddle J; McFerren, A; Frohlich F. Causal role of cross-frequency coupling in distinct components of cognitive control. Progress in Neurobiology, 102033, 2021. [pdf]

Brief summary: In a previous study, we found two forms of cross-frequency coupling that were recruited in our cognitive control task, theta-gamma coupling for memory-related processing and delta-beta coupling for processing abstract rules. Here, we delivered cross-frequency tACS designed to mimic these endogenous activity patterns to test for their causal role. We found that cross-frequency tACS increased the targeted coupling patterns and modulated behavior along the targeted task dimensions.

Riddle J*; Scimeca J*; Cellier D; Dhanani S; D’Esposito M. Causal Evidence for a Role of Theta and Alpha Oscillations in the Control of Working Memory. Current Biology, 30(9), 1748-54, 2020. [pdf]

Brief summary: Theta and alpha oscillations are thought to play a role in the prioritization of relevant information and suppression of irrelevant, respectively. Here, we delivered theta and alpha frequency TMS to participants as they processed a retrospective cue in the delay period of a working memory task. We found that frontal theta TMS and parietal alpha TMS improved working memory capacity relative to the mismatched pairing. This study provided causal evidence for these neural oscillations in control over internal representations.

Comprehensive List

Mark, J; Riddle, J; Gangwani, R; Huang, B; Frohlich, F; Cassidy, JM. Cross-Frequency Coupling as a Biomarker for Early Stroke Recovery. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 2024. [pdf]

Riddle J; Schooler J. Hierarchical consciousness: the Nested Observer Windows model. Neuroscience of Consciousness. 2024. [pdf]

Riddle J; McPherson T; Sheikh A; Shin H; Hadar E; Frohlich, F. Internal representations are prioritized by frontal-parietal theta connectivity and suppressed by alpha oscillation dynamics: evidence from concurrent EEG-TMS and invasive-EEG. Journal of Neuroscience. 2024. [pdf]

Pagnotta MF; Riddle J; D’Esposito M. Multiplexed Levels of Cognitive Control through Delta and Theta Neural Oscillations. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience. 1-20. 2024. [pdf]

Riddle J; Frohlich F. Mental Activity as the Bridge between Neural Biomarkers and Symptoms of Psychiatric Illness. Clinical EEG and Neuroscience. 15500594221112417. 2023. [pdf]

Riddle, J; Scimeca, J; Pagnotta, M; Inglis, B; Sheltraw, D; D’Esposito, M. A guide for concurrent TMS-fMRI to investigate functional brain networks. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience-Brain Imaging and Stimulation. 850. 2022. [pdf]

Clancy JA; Riddle J; Cassano P; Frohlich F. Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS) for Major Depressive Disorder. Psychiatry Annals. 52(11), 456-460. 2022. [pdf]

Riddle J; Rubinow DR; Frohlich F. Effect of tACS on prefrontal neural activity is menstrual phase dependent in patients with premenstrual dysphoric disorder. Brain Stimulation. 15(5), 1088-1090. 2022. [pdf]

Riddle J; Alexander ML; Schiller CE; Rubinow DR; Frohlich F. Reward-based decision-making engages distinct modes of cross-frequency coupling. Cerebral Cortex, 32 (10), 2079-2094. 2022. [pdf]

Zhang M; Riddle J; Frohlich F. Closed-loop control of bistable symptom states. Brain Stimulation, 15(2), 454-456. 2022. [pdf]

Riddle J; Alexander ML; Schiller CE; Rubinow DR; Frohlich F. Reduction in left frontal alpha oscillations by transcranial alternating current stimulation in major depressive disorder is context-dependent in a randomized clinical trial. Biological Psychiatry: Cognitive Neuroscience and Neuroimaging. 7(3), 302-311. 2022. [pdf]

Frohlich F; Riddle J. Transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) as a treatment for fibromyalgia syndrome? European Archives of Psychiatry and Clinical Neuroscience, 1-2, 2022. [pdf]

Frohlich F; Force R; Huang WA; Lustenberger C; McPherson T; Riddle J; Walker C. Target engagement with transcranial current stimulation. 211-42. Chapter in: Brunoni A.R., Nitsche M.A., Loo C.K. (eds) Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation in Neuropsychiatric Disorders. Springer, Cham. 2021.

McFerren A*; Riddle J*; Walker CP; Buse JB; Frohlich F. Causal role of frontal-midline theta in cognitive effort: a pilot study. Journal of Neurophysiology. 126 (4). 1221-33. 2021. [pdf]

Frohlich F; Riddle J; Abramowitz JS. Transcranial alternating current stimulation for the treatment of obsessive-compulsive disorder? Brain Stimulation: Basic, Translational, and Clinical Research in Neuromodulation 14.4: 1048-1050. 2021. [pdf]

Cellier D*; Riddle J*; Peterson I; Hwang K. The development of theta and alpha neural oscillations from ages 3 to 24 years. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience. 100969. 2021. [pdf]

Riddle J; Frohlich F. Targeting neural oscillations with transcranial alternating current stimulation. Brain Research. 147491. 2021. [pdf]

Frohlich F; Riddle J. Conducting Double-Blind Placebo-Controlled Clinical Trials of Transcranial Alternating Current Stimulation (tACS). Translational Psychiatry. 11(1), 1-12. 2021. [pdf]

Riddle J; McFerren, A; Frohlich F. Causal role of cross-frequency coupling in distinct components of cognitive control. Progress in Neurobiology, 102033, 2021. [pdf]

Riddle J; Rubinow D; Girdler S; Frohlich F. Disinhibition of right inferior frontal gyrus underlies alpha asymmetry in women with low testosterone. Biological Psychology, 108061, 2021. [pdf]

Frohlich F; Riddle J; Ugen G; Lersch F. Brainwave entrainment for the treatment of chronic pain: comment on Br J Pain 2020; 14: 161–70. British Journal of Pain, 2021. [pdf]

Force R; Riddle J; Jarskog F; Frohlich F. A case study of the feasibility of weekly tACS for the treatment of auditory hallucinations in schizophrenia. Brain Stimulation, 14(2), 361-3, 2021. [pdf]

Riddle J; Ahn S; McPherson T; Girdler S*; Frohlich F*. Progesterone modulates theta oscillations in the frontal-parietal network. Psychophysiology, 57(10), e13632, 2020. [pdf]

Riddle J*; Vogelsang D*; Hwang K; Cellier D; D’Esposito M. Distinct oscillatory dynamics underlie different components of hierarchical cognitive control. Journal of Neuroscience, 40(25) 4945-53, 2020. [pdf]

Riddle J; McPherson T; Atkins A; Walker C; Ahn S; Frohlich F. Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) polymorphism may influence the efficacy of tACS to modulate neural oscillations. Brain Stimulation, 13(4), 998-9, 2020. [pdf]

Riddle J*; Scimeca J*; Cellier D; Dhanani S; D’Esposito M. Causal Evidence for a Role of Theta and Alpha Oscillations in the Control of Working Memory. Current Biology, 30(9), 1748-54, 2020. [pdf]

Riddle J; Rubinow D; Frohlich F. A case study of weekly tACS for the treatment of major depressive disorder. Brain Stimulation, 13(3), 576-7, 2020. [pdf]

Alagapan S; Riddle J; Huang WA; Hadar E; Shin HW; Frohlich F. Network-targeted, multi-site direct cortical stimulation enhances working memory by modulating phase lag of low frequency oscillations. Cell Reports, 29(9), 2590-8, 2019. [pdf]

Riddle J; Hwang K; Dhanani S; Cellier D; D’Esposito M. Causal evidence for the role of neuronal oscillations in top-down and bottom-up attention. Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience, 31(5), 768-79, 2019. [pdf]

Riddle J. Causal evidence for neural oscillations in cognition. Doctoral dissertation. University of California, Berkeley, 2018. [pdf]

Rahnev D; Nee DE; Riddle J; Larson AS, D’Esposito M. Causal evidence for frontal cortex organization for perceptual decision making. Proceedngs of the National Academy of Sciences, 113(21), 6059-64, 2016. [pdf]

Cameron IGM; Riddle J; D’Esposito M. Dissociable roles of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex and frontal eye fields during saccadic eye movements. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 9(613), 1-14, 2015. [pdf]

Riddle J. BOLD enhancement in oculomotor network following theta burst transcranial magnetic stimulation to right frontal eye fields. Undergraduate honors thesis in Cognitive Science Program, 2012. Mentors: Cameron IGM, D’Esposito M.